When we think about the world’s current situation, there are certain elements that we immediately associate with the pandemic and its effects. From bottles of hand sanitiser to vaccine centres, many icons have become synonymous with this period in our history. But if there was one object that truly encapsulates the coronavirus pandemic, it is the face mask.
We are currently living in a world where face masks are more important than they have ever been before. Many of us wear face masks as our only means of protection from the dreaded virus – wearing them in public places to remain safe and healthy.

In some countries, face masks have become legal mandates and are expected to be worn in stores, theme parks and cinemas. And although face masks have become a staple of our everyday lives, this does not mean that we have entirely adapted to them.
We have all been in this situation, you’ve gone somewhere in the car and realized that you don’t have a face mask in your bag or glove compartment. What can you do when you don’t have a face mask at hand?
Well, the best option is to make your face mask using materials that can be easily found in your surroundings. In this article, we have outlined a series of simple instructions that can be used to fashion a face mask from a piece of material. This method will ensure that you always have a face mask close by and that you’ll never get caught short again.
How Do Face Masks Work?
There was once a time when face masks were worn only by medical professionals such as surgeons and doctors. Now we all wear face masks to keep us protected from the spread of the coronavirus. But why do we do this and how our face masks protect us from contagion?
Harmful bacteria often spread through droplets and sprays that are capable of travelling in the air, which means we can inhale them through our mouths and noses. When we wear our face masks, we are working to reduce this risk by placing a protective barrier around our respiratory system, which shields it from the outside world.
Of course, there are now a variety of different masks that can be purchased for our protection, with each kind coming with its positives and negatives. Down below we have outlined the different types of face masks and their capabilities.
What Is The Best Face Mask?
Best Overall: N95 Masks
N95 masks, otherwise known as respirators, are a face mask that is designed to protect the wearer from harmful particles in the air. When wearing a respirator, you have to make sure that it is tight to your face to be effective. Unlike surgical or cloth masks, respirators provide more coverage and protect you from both large and small droplets.
Best Runner-Up: Surgical Masks
These loose-fitting, disposable masks are worn by medical professionals and are made from a thin, papery material. These masks prevent large droplets from escaping your mouth and nose, while also protecting you against harmful bacteria that can travel in sneezes and coughs.
Best Public Mask: Cloth Masks
Cloth masks are used primarily in public places like the grocery store, where you could come into contact with a large number of people. They are made using layered material that prevent droplets from leaving the wearer’s mouth and nose. The fabric also filters the air you breathe, reducing the risk of contamination.
How To Make A Face Mask?
Now we are going to outline the process of making your own mask using materials that you can find in your home. This is a quick and effective way to own a face mask that is comfortable, fashionable and protective.
Stuff You’ll Need:
- A piece of material (a bandana, handkerchief or square scarf will do)
- Two hair ties
- Lay your material out on a flat surface.
- Take the top edge of your material and fold it down until it reaches the middle of your material.
- Repeat the same process with the bottom edge of your material, until it meets the top edge in the middle.
- Take the top edge and fold it once again until it meets the middle and repeat the process with the bottom edge.
- Next, you must feed one side of the folded material through one of the hair ties, and do this until you have a hair tie and each side. You should aim to place the hair ties a quarter of the way down the material.
- When this has been done, you will fold the ponytails inward so that the hair ties hang out from each side of the mask. Tuck the ponytails into each other before wearing the mask for extra protection and comfort.
And then you’ll have your new face mask! When you have worn your mask out in public, you should always put it in the laundry or soak it in hot soapy water.